
Poles has ethnic groups that helps people in need like if they need food or water. Poland has the second most largest population in there country and most people were in need but,they did have a lot of houses and shelters for people in need.
Germany didn’t have what they had, they didn’t have rarely any shelters or houses for people to stay. That’s why Germany wanted to take over Poland because they didn’t have what have so they just took it all down.
That was two reason they persecuted the country Poland. Another reason that they did that was for the food and water. Also they did it for warmth clothing stuff like that stuff they needed.
So,the germans took over the Poland country for their things and stuff. Poland has one of the most populations in the world so Germany wanted to take over them. They took stuff like clothing and food and water for themselves.

Legends of sleepy hollow

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5th Grade Reflections

I learned how to make spicy hot cracker,I lerned how to do alot of things on the i pad,I learned that 70’s were the best decade.

I strugled with math like retracting and some division and some fractions.

I was suprised by the titanic and 9/11 and ww2.

I was disappointed about titanic and 9/11 and ww2.


Raccoon talk to the trees.

Raccoons talk to me.


I don’t rally get them.

You can say there kind of mental.

They are not very gentle.


Hot pink raccoons have problems .

Neon green raccoon have problems.


what do you think .

I  like them i do .

They always steel your food